Sewing for Our Heroes

I’m doing my part during social distancing to sew up face masks for my friend who works in a hospital and all her coworkers.

Step 1: Wash and dry cotton fabric.

Step2: Make a template 9” wide by 5.5” tall. Use a rotary cutting knife or scissors to cut fabric into to measurements.

Step 3: Cut the fabric for the ties. Cut 2” wide by 42” long. You will need two ties per mask. Currently, elastic banding (for sewing) is out of stock and Amazon is postponing shipping until May 1st. They are price gouging faster orders, which in my opinion is horrible! But you can make a mask without elastic. Need a video tutorial?


Step 4: Iron the ties by folding them in half length wise (like a hotdog). Then open and fold each edge into the middle


It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece. Sew the folded edges of the tie together like this.


With right sides together, sew two pieces of 9” x 5.5” fabrics together. The pieces are already sewn together and turned right side out and ironed.


Sew your ties to the top and bottom (see how in this video). Add two pleats and sew the sides.